Got my first pair of audiophile-approved headphones today
Wow. I should've done this a long time ago! Embedded Link Sennheiser Worldwide – HD 518 The HD 518 open, circumaural headphones prove that quality and affordability can go hand in hand. They are fitted with Sennheiser's innovative E.A.R. technology to ensure accurate channeling of au…
I wonder what the resale value is for a $10,000 8 GB flash drive Embedded Link Kingston – Datatraveler 100 – 8GB USB Flash Drive: Computers & Accessories Kingston – Datatraveler 100 – 8GB USB Flash Drive: Computers & Accessories
While SOPA is on everyone's minds, there's another law brewing that is exactly…
While SOPA is on everyone's minds, there's another law brewing that is exactly the opposite: the Global Online Freedom Act. "To prevent United States businesses from cooperating with repressive governments in transforming the Internet into a tool of censorship and surveillance". So basically, if both SOPA and GOFA pass, the government would be required by […]
It's somewhat ironic how so many people are against the government censoring…
It's somewhat ironic how so many people are against the government censoring the internet, but they're willing to let the government censor (through regulation and control) nearly every other aspect of their lives.
My site will be down through tomorrow for the blackout
This wallpaper is pretty funny:
This wallpaper is pretty funny: Embedded Link communism milk funny wrong political anarchy cows Democracy socialism – Wallpaper (#496964) / Wallpaper Array
Testing a mobile post to Google+ to see if it will auto post to Facebook with if…
Testing a mobile post to Google+ to see if it will auto post to Facebook with ifttt.
Props to Jon Stewart for pointing out how ridiculously biased the media is…
Props to Jon Stewart for pointing out how ridiculously biased the media is…
Motorola is going to be releasing Intel-powered Android phones later this year
Sweet. Embedded Link Motorola's Releasing Intel-Powered Androids Later This Year Intel's about to get its peanut butter all over Motorola's chocolate. And, in addition to the Reese's Pieces, we'll see the first Intel-powered, Android smartphone in the second half of this year.
just got a reply email from a support request…..from 2009
Apparently they have a new version that they think might fix my problem. :-)