Another great song by a great band
Another great song by a great band
So I'm watching War Horse
It turns out to be the story of a horse durung wartime. Who knew?
Yesterday was a series of tornadoes
Today the weathermen promise more of the same, if not worse. Right now it's sunny and beautiful out, but I'm keeping a close eye on the weather today.
For every one of the answers that modern science gives, it seems that at least two…
For every one of the answers that modern science gives, it seems that at least two more questions are raised.
This is a really cool idea!…
This is a really cool idea!
This went live yesterday! Over 6 hours of training :) Get it while its hot!
Reshared post from +ant-online This went live yesterday! Over 6 hours of training :) Get it while its hot! Embedded Link Digital-Tutors > Training > Maya Tutorials > Creative Development: Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo with Antony Ward Tutorial In this tutorial we will be modeling and texturing a low […]
This is so true!
This is so true! Reshared post from +Kenneth LeFebvre Overtime can help in a pinch, and sometimes it's necessary to overcome unforeseen circumstances, but it should never become the modus operandi for any project team that wishes to be successful (and what project team wants to fail?)!
I just gave a couple bucks to the developer of Selectivizr
It's well worth the untold hours it surely saved me from having to hack IE6-8 to work with my site that utilizes HTML5 and CSS3 elements. Embedded Link Selectivizr – CSS3 pseudo-class and attribute selectors for IE 6-8 selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8
I was happy to see that The Hunger Games followed the book pretty closely
Good book, good movie!
Help my good friend (and an amazing musician) win the vote by voting for him at:…
Help my good friend (and an amazing musician) win the vote by voting for him at: Embedded Link Caleb Denison Discover and vote for Caleb Denison music on ArtistSignal!